The Personal Side

I am am avid biker, runner and user experience professional. I have a 10 year old son, who is always right about everything,  loves science, and lego star wars.  I live near Detroit in the wonderful state of Michigan. By day I work on user experience and user interface design and development, by night I run with a running group, take the kid on adventures, travel to new cities, and explore new trails on the mountain bike.

I consider myself a fairly experienced mechanic and have replaced just about every part on a Jeep in my time.  Motors, transmissions, axles, transfer cases, you name it, I’ve replaced it!  Now I mostly tinker with bikes and motorcycles.  I grew up riding and racing BMX bikes, upgraded to a motorcycle then finally into the auto phase, which lasted 20+ years(or maybe still is in progress). Hey if you are from Detroit, I guess it’s always in your blood.

Some cars I’ve owned included many, many Jeep TJs, XJs, YJs and CJ. Also I’ve owned a BMW 525i and an M3.  Living and growing up in Michigan, I became a car guy and still love seeing the classics and get excited about the newest technology and innovation in the auto industry.

The Professional Side

UX(User Experience) Evangelist with over 10 years designing software through extensive user research and design thinking. My goal is to transform everything boring and complex into fun and productive experiences. I also run long distances and have been known to leap tall buildings in a single bound.