The famous trail 401 in Crested Butte Colorado!


Talk about CRAZY climbing, you better be ready!  Even if you think you are, it’s probably going to be a struggle…but so worth it!

The town is small but just buzzing with energy, everyone was really nice and friendly and pretty much everyone was doing something active..well duh.

We rented our bikes at Big Al’s Bike shop and they were super cool!  We of course didn’t plan our trip out well and missed all the shuttles going up to the Crested Butte trails. It’s ridable there but from what I was told you have to go thru another town and the up hill may zap lots of energy.

Here is another rough to watch video, but strapping a cam onto the bike bars was my only option.  This is me riding back from the trails into town, lots of it is downhill and you can pick up some speed!

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