Ever since my trip to Colorado I just want to get out and ride. The winter here has not been ideal for riding so when it gets decent enough you have to go for it!

I’ve ridden Bloomer in the summer and fall but this is a first for winter biking. The trails are not groomed and the switch backs are a bit dicey.

This is the velodrome that’s used in the summer for races. In the winter it looks abandoned.

I did see a few hikers and snowshoeers but for the most part the trails were untouched.

In the summer the hills here are fun and a little challenging for your lungs. In the winter, with the fat bike, most are not rideable and the ones that are really get your heart pumping.

I am not embarrassed to say that I walked many of the trails, the fat bike just looses traction on the long uphill.

And some amateur video(very amateur) from the ride..

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